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Are You Optimizing Your Apparel Software with Re-Training?

apparel erp software training session

Once upon a time you saw fit to invest in a top-of-the-line enterprise resource planning system for your business. You shopped around and found the one that best suited your needs. You probably spent a good amount of time planning, analyzing and implemented the system to work with your day-to-day operation. Once installed, it improved your business.

Now, fast forward and think about your company today. How many things have changed since you implemented your ABS system? Are the exact same products driving your profits? Are you utilizing the
E-Commerce the same? Are your clients different? How much employee turnover has there been since your system was brought on line?

Chances are, once you think about it, one of the few things that may have been consistent in your business is your ABS system. While the system was certainly designed to last, the fact that everything else has changed may mean it is time to reevaluate how you interact with it.

You saw fit to invest in it originally. Now, it might be time to reinvest in the form of updated system training. Targeted, purposeful retraining can realign your business with your ABS system and get you set up to move your company forward into the future.

Happy employees, productive business

As your business has evolved, there is a good chance that your workforce has also. After a few years, it isn't uncommon for employee turnover or expansion to change the face of your company. This is generally inevitable.

What is often forgotten in this change is that with each new employee your team moves further away from those originally trained to work with your ABS system. Even with the best instruction from a fellow employee, a new user to the system may not know about extended features, updates or the continued support that is available.

Getting your team back up to date is a great way to push productivity and job satisfaction. Better trained employees can operate more efficiently, lightening the load on your team as a whole. Plus, you may discover a new way the ABS system can help fundamentally change your business process. Innovation is key to survival and being well trained is the path to quickly implementing change.

ABS Classroom

Software isn't like furniture. You can't just throw away the instructions once it is built. Instead, software requires revisiting the instructions occasionally to make sure it is being used properly. ABS is well equipped to help you with this.

We can offer the ABS Classroom - a place where we can lead focused training, free from distraction. Users will have access to multiple subject matter experts without any extra expense. These experts can help further customize the training to suit your company's needs. Offsite training via Web and at your location is also available.

You wouldn't buy a car and drive it indefinitely without maintenance. You couldn't. Eventually it would break down or stop running smoothly. Consider the proper maintenance for you ABS system. Reach out to ABS and let us walk you through how we can keep the engine of your business running.

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